What's Next?
Hey hey reader. Happy new year! I wish you a great year ahead with many blessings and success.
My last post of the last year were about what I did during the year, so I wanted to be the first post of this year, what I plan to do this one. So without further ado, here are some of my goals, but not the only ones that I would like to achieve this year.
Health & Fitness
For me, health is essential for a full life. This year I would like to test my body limits and take care of such important aspects as facial skin care.
Getting Fit
I would like to create 7 workout routines. A, B, C for the upper body, A, B, C for the lower body, and one lower intensity full-body routine for some gap days. Once they are defined, I would like to set some goals of weights, times, etc. Something to reach that let me know if I'm doing a correct work. Finally there are some other goals far from the gym like going to swim with more frequency that will definitely be fun.
Facial Skin Care
I'm 25 now, and the myth acne will go away on its own when you reach adulthood has already annoyed me. To be honest I am not being serious with the skin care during all these years. I cleaned my face once or twice a day for a couple of weeks and then left the routine.
This time will be different. I plan to take care my face skin as serious as any other important thing in my life. I go to the gym everyday for 2 hours, there is no reason why I could not wash my face at morning and evening and make it a routine of 5 minutes...
Language Learning
This year I don't plan to learn any new language, but I do plan to practice some of them like English and Portuguese. In the other hand, I'm feeling quite curious about sign languages, since I feel interested in how to talk with the body and use it not only with deaf people, but also with my worldly relationships. However, I dunno if I will be able to start this journey with those motivations.
I have a lot personal goals, the most important could be divided in the following sections
I would like to work on develop skills like cooking, speaking, negotiating, socializing, etc. Everyday we have a opportunity to become better, I would like to take those chances and become the best version of me everyday.
I would like to practice/learning some technologies. As an software engineer part of my job is to be up to update with the new alternatives. For now I have thinking of publishing an app made with Flutter, creating a library on Rust and maybe WebAssembly, and enhance my infrastructure knowledge with AWS.
Just reading as much as I can.
Reaching 30 subscribers for the blog
There are months where I have thousands of readers. I would like to publish more interesting posts and connect with more people, so the blog starts to receive subscribers and I can reach a defined number of people without depending on viral posts. So if you want to help me, subscribe below entering your email!
I have an idea, I plan, design, code and deploy it. This year I know I will work on at least 3 projects, the classical Pi Day Project that will be published on 3/14, the diagramming framework for the web Drawmatic that I have been developing for the last months, and one of the other projects I have in mind.
There is one big project that I would like to convert in something real, with real customers by this year. Let's cross fingers and wait for the best.
So, What's Next?
For me there are a lot to do, I will not be bored. I will learn, practice, exercise, and improve myself. What about you? Do you want to achieve something? The best time to start was yesterday, but the second best time to start is today. I want to encourage you to challenge yourself and keep improving with me!
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