My Journey from Sedentary Developer to Gym Enthusiast

My Journey from Sedentary Developer to Gym Enthusiast

One year ago, in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself sinking into a surprising role: the sedentary developer. As a 23-year-old software engineer, my reality was far different from what I'd ever imagined. I was grappling with knee and back pain, feeling every bit like an octogenarian trapped in a young adult's body. My life had become a series of code, meeting, eat, sleep, repeat. Loneliness, isolation, and a dash of pessimism had become my unwanted companions. Yet, it was in the midst of this struggle that I found a surprising source of strength and rejuvenation, the gym.

The Beginning of the Journey

I remember the day I signed up for the gym. It was a memorable day after all, that May 10th marked two important moments in my life: the day I began my journey to loving exercise by joining the gym, and the day I discovered money is for using it after losing a huge part of my savings on UST after the de-peg. But the last story we will see it on next posts.

Picture of Rolando a few days before starting the gym
Picture of me a few days before starting the gym

Joining a gym wasn't a grand decision, nor was it driven by a sudden revelation. It was a simple act of defiance against the monotony that had become my life. I wanted to move, to feel alive again.

Those first few weeks were challenging. Muscles I didn't even know existed ached, my body resisted the change, I literally couldn't move my arms for the first week!

But I kept going. And slowly but surely, I started to notice a change. I was getting stronger, not just physically, but mentally as well. The gym became my sanctuary, a place where I could cast off the stress of coding and debugging and just focus on myself.

The Change

It was during this time I discovered the joy of exercise, the way it cleared my mind and restored my energy. I started to see life in a different light.

The benefits of hitting the gym extend well beyond the physical. Yes, my knees and back no longer ache constantly. Yes, I had more stamina and strength. But it's much more than that. Working out had improved my mental health, boosted my mood, and helped me manage stress. The world seemed more vibrant, more exciting, more positive.

Picture of Rolando a few weeks after starting the gym
Picture of me a few weeks after starting the gym

The Close Call With a Relapse

When I felt invencible, the inevitable happened. After 10 weeks of going to the gym, I got COVID-19. It was a jarring experience. I was out of the gym for a week an a half, I couldn't move from the bed, and I felt old habits lurking in the background. After recovering, I hesitated if going back to the gym was necessary.

The Return

With doubts I was back, pushing my limits, and striving to regain my strength. I still had 2 weeks of membership, so better using them before abandoning the gym. And despite it was hard the first 3 days, I remembered the feeling of exercising and when the moment of renewal was reached, I didn't hesitate for second to continue my journey.

After a while, I started to see the progress that helped me with the motivation. I also established some goals, like becoming a boxer model or doing 20 pull-ups reps, that challenge me to focus and do my best every second of the routine.

Muscled version of Rolando by Stable Diffusion
Ok. I don't want to look like this, but it is a funny representation of stable diffusion

The Bottom Line

Month after month I have improved. Both my love for exercise, body, and mind has grown. I write this post not as a fitness guru or a health expert, but as a fellow developer who found a way out of the sedentary lifestyle that was causing me pain and discomfort.

My message to you, if you're reading this and relating to my story, is simple: move. Sign up for a gym, go for a run, take up yoga, dance. Do whatever it is that gets your body moving. It may be hard at first, but trust me, it's worth it.

I’m not saying that the gym will solve all your problems, but it can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. It’s a place to challenge yourself, to push your limits, and to grow stronger.

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