DEVLog - January

DEVLog - January

A new month starts and it's a great time to review what I achieved last month.

January was a nice month with exciting new projects and the end of others. It is pretty amazing the variety of projects there are out there, and how they just appear in front of me just to be taken...

Drawmatic Beta is Almost Here

Last year one of my brand new projects was Drawmatic, a tool to create diagrams of any kind, from easy schemas with vertexes and edges, to engineering diagrams and tools like simulators or no-code systems. The framework is working better than expected and the first tool, a system to create architecture diagrams will enter on beta the first quarter of this month!


Testing chicken legs on a diagram


In January I finished my first semester as a University Professor. It was a great time and I learned a lot of new and fascinating things. To celebrate the end of the semester I created a yearbook on GitHub where my students were able to contribute by writing a program in StepCode, the programming language I invented last year and that I used to taught them the programming fundamentals.

Example image of the yearbook used to teach my students how to contribute to the yearbook

To achieve this, I had to implement a GitHub action workflow to run the generated codes and then a bot automatically updates the new files with the PR number so an small script that makes a request to the GitHub API can get the user data from the PR creator and put the image in the yearbook.

Perhaps it is too complicated to follow, so here you can find the repo so you can check out the scripts and workflows by yourself.

GitHub - RolandoAndrade/yearbook202415: Clase de fundamentos de programación UCAB 202415
Clase de fundamentos de programación UCAB 202415. Contribute to RolandoAndrade/yearbook202415 development by creating an account on GitHub.


One quarter ago my journey in SignatureAPI started, and now we are quite close to launch the first version of the product that I expect it will have a great impact on how digital signatures are handled in today's world.

I'm not sure how much I am able to tell, so I will just give the news once the product is open for everyone.

Valentine's Day is Coming

Another small project I had was the creation of a small app to ask a close friend for a date.

The app made with Vite + React is pretty simple, but it also was useful to introduce myself to the Telegram Mini Apps. It is surprising how easy is to create an app for this platform, just create a website and chat with a bot, uncomplicated and unencumbered.


Video of the APP. It increases the size of the acceptance button and reduces the size of the decline button until the only option available is accept.

There are many SDKs to implement more complexes apps, but I'm almost sure that 90% of all the apps that people would like to implement can be integrated with Telegram using this approach.

You can check the app online or using the Telegram Mini App link. I consider this could be a great project if I am able to create the views in a customizable way, since it won't require huge infrastructure and can have a relatively huge demand.

The bottom line

It has been a great month, full of projects and fun. This month I hope continue working on Drawmatic and perhaps giving you good news next month.

Stay tuned for more updates in the next devlog as I continue to push the boundaries of development and explore new horizons.

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