DEVLog - March

DEVLog - March

March just ended, and it was a magnificent month with a great progress in my projects and personal development. Let's review some of them.

Presenting Bezier

If you are a frequent reader of my blog post, you probably know Drawmatic, the diagraming tool I am implementing. Last month its development almost reached the first milestone of the project becoming usable for the implementation of new solutions, and the fist software I am implementing with it is Bezier, a software to build beautiful and accesible documentation.

The idea of the project is to be a tool that can integration the common development tools like markdown, GitHub, OpenAPI, etc. And help to build both internal and public documentation of systems with the classic text, or injecting dynamic diagrams that help to understand better a flow.


Bezier diagraming tool

I have not decided a release date, but within the next weeks I expect to give you more information about the project. And if you cannot wait, you can always contact me and I can give you early access to it.

SignatureAPI is Online

After working tirelessly during the whole first quarter, SignatureAPI is Online and available as a private beta meanwhile we enhance the last details like documentation in order to release it to everyone

The moment SignatureAPI born

SignatureAPI is a electronic signature platform built for high volume and ease of integration via an extremely easy API. If you want to read more, you can always checkout the website and even request access to test it.

Home - SignatureAPI: Electronic signatures for your workflows
Send documents for signing, track progress, and get work done faster with our electronic signature platform built for high volume and ease of integration.

New Projects are Coming

April we be a busy month. Additionally to these two projects that will continue evolving, as an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning professor I have to develop some projects to keep my students interested for the subject. Let's see how it ends the next month.

Anyway, thank you for reading this update with me and I if you have any doubt or you do want to test some of these tools do not hesitate to contact me, I will be glad to contribute to give you early access to them.

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