A Quarter of a Century

A Quarter of a Century

Yesterday marked a significant milestone in my life as I celebrated my 25th birthday. Crossing the threshold into a quarter of a century has left me feeling reflective, a little scared, but at the same time motivated for all that this new year of life has in store for me. Looking back at the journey from 24 to 25, it is impossible not to be expectant of what is to come from now on.

One Year in 7 paragraphs

When I turned 24 I had an stable job, a nice friend who I played videogames every Saturday morning, a huge fascination with Persona games, and some side projects in mind. While christmas lights were glittering I couldn't image how things would change in this short time.

The first three months of the year was full of dates I was decided to improve my social skills and exit my confort zone. I really couldn't say if it was a success, but I was feeling different, more secure, free, happy. Although my wallet was hurting.

A visit to the planetary was one of the most memorable dates I ever had

The second quarter can be summed up as finding myself. Meeting others made me discover that I didn't even know myself. I came back to online courses of areas away from Computer Science like arts, marketing, literature, etc. Trying to find my passions and discovering my likes and dislikes. During this time my blog was born, as a initiative to help others, and finding myself.

Hello World!
Hello everyone! I am Rolando Andrade and this is my first blog entry. Let’s get started and see where this adventure takes us!

This quarter ended up with a conclusion, I had to get away from everything I knew so that no influence could affect the process I was going through. I bought a ticket without return to Europe and had my own solitary journey where I lived a lot of occurrences that made me mature and grow as a person.

Solo Travel: An Unforgettable Adventure
Discover the amazing aspects of solo travel, from freedom and personal growth to making new friends, and why everyone should try it at least once.
Me in the airplane seat

After returning, I had no job, no projects, no contact with old friends, but I had me. Started working on amazing projects like AI José Gregorio, Me, Drawmatic, or StepCode. During this time, I also acquired new skills in cooking and dancing. I had the privilege of meeting an incredible woman and establishing new aspirations for myself. Ultimately, I became a professor, and all traces of fear and uncertainty dissipated.

DEVLog - October & November
Yeah, I know. I disappeared for almost a whole month without giving any heads up. The thing is, last month I was going through a healing process after a breakup in one of my relationships. So, I wanted to take some time off from posting until I could gather my
A photo of my cachapas

And the time passed, many projects ended, new ones started, got a new job, met new friends, lost others. Now I turned 25 in the same place with the same people, and although everything looks the same, the thing is that everything has changed.

I have discovered new passions and set ambitious goals for myself. I'm now exploring various interests and pursuing diverse projects. I don't know where is the horizon, I don't know if I am in the right track. But does it even matter? I mean, if all those things happened in a single year, what can I expect in the next 25 years I have ahead? See how it turns out...

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